Friday, 12 April 2019

Coram's coat

In Coram, next to the Foundling Museum, they have a reproduction of Thomas Coram's coat on display in their entrance hall.  Coram is the children's charity that developed from the eighteenth-century London Foundling Hospital.   The coat on display is based on the one in William Hogarth's famous portrait of Coram, which you can also see on display at the Museum.  The coat was made by Ninya Mikhaila of The Tudor Tailor; you might also know her from BBC's Stitch in Time programme. 

As well as the coat there is a reproduction of Coram's hat, and a short film giving an insight into how the coat was made. 

The coat also gives an insight into what Coram's coat looks like from the back - obviously something you cannot see in the painting.

If you are visiting the Foundling Museum on a week day, the Coram display is free to visit.  The coat may not be on show for much longer as the charity are developing a new display for the summer.